Saturday, July 17, 2010

J.Cole "Premeditated Murder"

There probably hasn’t been a more appropriately titled track in awhile than this one. Fayetteville’s own debut album isn’t due out for another three months, but most people will take a J. Cole song however they can. There hasn’t been any confirmation that this record will find its way on the final cut. However, once you hear this cut, it’d be hard to imagine how this wouldn’t.

After hearing this, October 26 can’t come quick enough. Hit the jump to see Cole’s thoughts on not using his boss’ well established contacts when creating his rookie project.

Instead of tapping Jay-Z’s well-connected list of multiplatinum producers, though, Cole decided he had enough material already recorded for his first LP. He said he’s had a core of 10 songs that he’s tried to hold on to, doling out only a few on his mixtapes, in hopes that the material would make up his debut effort.

“When you making an album, at least in my case, I had songs that I’ve had for three years that I’ve been holding on to that I wouldn’t put on The Warm Up or any mixtape, because I felt they were too good. And over the years, some of them turned into, ‘Oh, I can let that go, because I’m better than that now.’ But there’s been songs, or there are still songs, that will make the album that never left. You come into the album with that stack of records, and slowly, as you make more, you can see which of those can fly off. And it’s hard, because they’re all incredible songs, and you don’t want to let any go. Now we’re down to maybe three. They can never go. They have to stay.”

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